More blogging in 2014
I expect to
blog more regularly in 2014. So, you can expect to see new posts more
frequently this year. I’ve said this earlier but I was not able to carry out
myself: that one should not try to write big stuffs all the time. It need not
be a thoroughly researched and carefully thought article that one tries to
write each time. If one tries that, one won’t survive for long in blogging.
So, I’m going
to write about things and thoughts which I encounter every day. Every day
ordinary stuffs are beautiful. And I would appeal to the heart to appreciate
that beauty that we can find in the ordinary, that we often take for granted.
It is about being observant, being alive to the times and the surroundings,
being appreciative, but also being critical sometimes.
I want us to
live more reflectively. I want us to live with more hope. And I believe that
people can change for the better. If we care, if we speak up, and if we act on
what we believe; I believe people and our society can change. That change will not come in
a day. But if we live rightly and can impact a few people, we will have done
our part which will ultimately result in ground breaking large scale societal
and systemic changes that we long for.
We know many
things are not quite right and we feel it is beyond our personal capacity to
make certain things right. The whole is more than the sum of the parts, and
whole system needs sweeping changes. But such momentous sweeping changes do
have foundations in smaller individual efforts. Whichever part we are called to
play, we all are called to do something. If yours is to take the bull by the
horn, that’s great. Even if you are not playing the central role, you are
called to do your best.
In my own
small way, I will continue blogging.
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