Putting the Cart before the Horse
We are all familiar with the mind boggling question, ‘which came first, the Egg or the Chicken?’ But in life, things don’t have to be so complicated all the time. There are things where the choices are easy. What would you do if you see a woman on your right caught on fire while on your left you see another woman needing a hand to lift a pile of firewood on her head? Who would you help first? Of course the woman on fire. But priority setting based on the common sense of the order of things is not very prevalent. I saw a banner in Delhi which says, ‘Computer Course for Slum Dwellers’. The government in order to generate employment opportunities for slum dwellers came up with the plan to teach them computers. It doesn’t occur to the government that the slum dwellers toil to put food on their plates daily, forget about reading and writing. Let me present here some sets of things and let’s think which should be first and which should follow. Which one first? 1. ...