Pride and self-advertisement
I do not accept glory from humans (John 5:41, NIV) ..a themia ki nu ketshe pfii nyiiya mo As for human praise, we have never sought it from you or anyone else (1 Thess. 2:6, NLT) Hie themia kinu ketshe pfiimo, nie kinu rei morei kekreimia kinu shieri How hard are these words to say! Ours is a time when we have to assert and promote ourselves lest we are trampled upon by people. There seems to be no place for the meek and the humble. They are walked over. So, these words of Jesus and Paul come as a stark contrast to the prevalent view of our time. We come across people going on an ego trip. If you have been observing, there has been a change in the trend which is quite recent. Not long ago, to lavish praise on one’s own achievements was seen as negative trait, something to be laughed at, of course, in the absence of the one who does so. But time and time again, I have been coming across people who go on and on about their own accomplishments. They speak as if the un...