Criteria for bride selection
If anyone’s planning to select a bride, here’s a criteria list that can help in the selection process. By counting the total number of items that meet the criteria, one can calculate the percentage each probable candidate scores. It is on one’s personal discretion that a certain percentage threshold be set, and the candidates who score above that threshold may be subject to further battery of tests till a grand finale where the top two may be put to a final defining test. The criteria for the preliminary round are: She should believe and confess that Jesus is kyrios She should not be a Young Earth Creationist Should not be a secular Darwinist It will be nice if she does not endorse inerrancy of Scripture, while affirming its infallibility She should not be a liberal She should not be a fundamentalist This will not be pressed too firmly on her but it is preferable that she use NRSV/NIV instead of KJV/NKJV She should be concerned for Cre...