On Too Much Money

Wealth in itself is not a sin while greed is. The Bible says that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, but it does not say money per se is the root.

But what about ‘too much’ wealth? In that case, will possession of wealth in itself be wrong?

What if such wealth is gained by fair means? Does that justify the possession of huge amount of wealth?

I say, when we look at it ‘relationally’, possession of too much money even if by fair means ‘can’ be a sin. If we build ourselves palaces to live in when we are surrounded by thousands who live in slums, it’s very difficult to claim that we have love.

I’m not against prosperity. God wants his creation to prosper. But prosperity has to be inclusive. Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves. We need to think deeply what that command entails, involves, includes, contains, implies, intends, signifies; ...i.e. to love our neighbor just the way we love and take care of ourselves.

Maybe we have not understood the width and the depth of greed. If we are not cheating or stealing from anybody, we think we are free to hoard as much as we can.



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