Oops she did it again!

from foxnews.com

I grew up in the era of 'Oops I Did It Again', so it is amusing to see in the news what the song does to the Somali Pirates.

As soon as the pirates hear the song played, they must be saying to one another, ‘ABORT MISSION, ABORT MISSION, NO HIJACKING TODAY’.  Some would plug their ears with cotton while some would use their palms. The news report says, ‘as soon as the pirates get a blast of Britney, they move on as quickly as they can... Pirates will go any lengths to avoid or try to overcome the music’.

The merchant navy has found a new tool to counter hijacking cargo ships by Somali Pirates. They don’t need guns. They just aim speakers at the Pirates and play Britney. The Somali Pirates’ disgust for western culture, particularly Britney’s music does the job. I want to see the look on their faces when those Pirates hear Britney played. It must be really something. The disgust for a particular music which deters them from hijacking all that’s in the cargo ships and the money they could ask for ransom. 

Oops she did it again.



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